2022(e)ko maiatzaren 3(a), asteartea

White Fang-Jack London


The book I have read is divided into sixteen chapters, and most of these ones are told by the protagonist White Fang, who is a young wolf. White fang is the only one with his mother and brother who survives the terrible situation of hunger. Then they are adopted by a group of indigenous. The situation can with him and he bacames a very agressive young wolf, to the point that he is forced to participate in dog fights. In one of these fights, he fights against Cherokee, a bulldog who was about to kill him if it weren’t for his new master weedom Scott. From this life lesson, Scott tries to educate the agressive wolf, and in the end he succeeds. In addition, White Fang becomes a father with one of Scott’s dog.

Personal Opinion

In my opinion, it is a very interesting book which gives you a great life lesson, and that despite the mistakes you made in the past, everyone changes. I liked it so much that I would recommend it to everyone.

Student's name

Markel Arizmendi Fernandez

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