2022(e)ko maiatzaren 4(a), asteazkena

A Morbid Taste For Bones-Ellis Peters



The main character of this story is Brother Cadfael, a monk who works in Shrewsbury Abbey, where they also work John and Columbanus, who are Cadfael´s novices. The monastery desires to move a relic, the bones of Saint Winifred, from a Welsh village, Gwytherin, to Shrewsbury Abbey in order to improve the monastery’s reputation. So Cadfael, his novices and Prior Robert go to Wales. Once they are there, they are not allowed to access the grave of Winifred, because it is on the land of Rhisiart, who is one of the biggest owners of lands. But soon Rhisiart´s dead body appears, and Cadfael starts to investigate the case.

Personal Opinion

The book had me hooked from the beginning but at some points I found it a little bit boring because it is very slow and uses many pages to tell events that are not so relevant.

Student's name

Jon Vega

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