2022(e)ko maiatzaren 5(a), osteguna

Strangers on a train-Patricia Highsmith



Guy Haines, a fine architect who is about to get divorced meets Charley Bruno in a train. bruno is a mad man who apparently enjoys murders and plans the perfect one. This involves Bruno killing Guy's actual wife and Guy killing Bruno's father. Bruno does his part, bu wil Guy be able to carry out a murder? Bruno will have to fight against his ethics and the fear of being accused of a murder that he hasn't even comitterd. Furthermore, he will have to lie to his fiancé which will cause a change of behaviour towards her.

Personal Opinion

This book is easy to read and entertaining. I recommend it to anyone. I like how it makes the reader think what they would do if they were in the same situation. It personally gave me anxiety thinking what option I would choose, because, what's best, to spend the rest of your life in prison or to live with such a guilty feeling?

Student's name
Elbereth Fernandez

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