2022(e)ko maiatzaren 5(a), osteguna

The House of the Seven Gables-Nathaniel Hawthorne



Matthew Maule was the first man to build a shack on a New England street, later that street would be called Maule's Lane. Maule was accused of practicing magic which was prohibited at the time. A colonel named Pyncheon wanted to buy Maule's house, but Maule wouldn't sell it to him. To obtain the house, he was accused of witchcraft and was sentenced to death. But the magician cursed him on his deathbed. In the end, Pyncheon acquired the house, which was the house of the Seven Gables.

Personal Opinion

Personally, I don't like reading but this book is a good one to start reading in English. The story wasn’t very beautiful at all but it entertained me.

Student's name

Markel Etxezarreta

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