2022(e)ko azaroaren 28(a), astelehena



Ikuko was a Japanese girl. When she turned 23, her boyfriend Hiroshi asked her to marry him there. Ikuko refused his invitation because she wanted to go to England to learn English and she promised him that after graduating from the English university, she would marry him. When she arrived in England, she noticed that her suitcase had been lost. A few days later, a man returned the suitcase. On the first day of college, she made new friends and joined the photography club. There, she met the man who returned the suitcase to her, Bernard. They became good friends and they fell in love. So, Ikuko told him that she had a boyfriend in Japan and Bernard told her that he had a family in Zambia but his wife married another man. Ikuko got mad at him and Bernard went back to Zambia. Ikuko realized she missed Bernard and she went to Zambia. Finally, their love wasn’t possible and Ikuko married Hiroshi. 50 years later, their grandchildren, Taka and Joyce met in Egypt. Joyce suffered an accident at sea and Taka took her to the hospital. When they left the hospital they started talking about their families and Joyce told Taka that his grandfather had died and she wanted to visit his house. So, Taka went to Japan to see her grandmother and Joyce went to Zamia. Ikuko realized that his grandson's friend's grandfather was Bernard and she was saddened by his death. Ikuko gave Taka her journal and Taka went to Zambia to visit Joyce. Joyce saw a photograph of a Japanese woman in her grandfather’s house. So, Taka and Joyce met in Zambia to understand this story and maybe started something new between them.


In my opinion, this is an interesting book. I loved the love story between Bernard and Ikuko. I'm really sorry to know that they didn't end up together and they didn't see each other anymore. Instead, I have been glad that their grandchildren had the love story that they could not have. It is a very easy book to read and you can read it in an hour.


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