2022(e)ko azaroaren 22(a), asteartea

WHITE FANG- Jack London



The story starts before the wolf-dog is born. Bill and Henry are going to Fort Mc Gurry to carry a coffin. They are attacked by wolves. The wolves eat Bill, while Harry manages to escape. The pack of wolves scatters. The wolves separate and the story starts talking about a she-wolf and her friend One Eye. She gives birth to five cubs, all die of famine, except for one. One Eye is killed by a lynx. After that, the she-wolf killed all the lynx’s kittens and the lynx. So, they have enough food to eat for some days.
A man, Grey Beaver, recognizes the she-wolf, Kiche, who left during a famine. He takes Kiche and her cub and names the cub ‘White Fang’. They go to a native camp, where White Fang is not well received, everyone attacks him. Overtime, White Fang grows up and becomes ‘The enemy of his kind’. One day, White Fang is separated from his mother. At that moment, he figures out how hard life is. When the famine comes, he goes to find his mother.
Time goes by, and White Fang turns five years old. One day, White Fang was bought by ‘Beauty’ Smith.
Time went by, and White Fang was no longer the weakest of all. He was able to fight against anyone, he always won. When Cherokee arrived, a bulldog, things changed. Both of them started to fight. When Cherokee was going to win, a hunter called Weedon Scott appeared.
He saved White Fang.
At this point, he decided to buy White Fang from Smith. Scott tamed him and then decided to take him to California.
Already in California, Scott’s father was nearly killed by an escaped convict. White Fang killed the convict to protect his ‘family’. That's why everybody called him ‘The Blessed Wolf’.

Personal opinion

I enjoyed the book. I think the story is easy to understand. What I have learnt in this story is that as White Fang overcomes its problems and dangers, we can also do it. I highly recommend this book.

Author of the review

Marina Gaztañaga

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