2023(e)ko urtarrilaren 23(a), astelehena

GOLDFINGER- Ian Flemming



James Band is a member of the Britsh intelligence Service. Auric Goldfinger has a suspicious gold company. Band is ordered to end this bussines, because it isn't legal. Goldfinger is a trafficker. This man has a plan, where he wants steal a lot of gold. But James Bond discovers his plan. The detective doesn't know Goldfinger, but he will meet him by one man who bets. To keep on eye on the trafficker will be part of his plan to steal the gold.


In my opinion, the book is interesting. You are interesed about what happens afterwads. I recommend you read this book, I'm sure that you'll like it. Sometimes there are difficult words, but you can understand the story if you continue reading


Leire Albisu

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