2023(e)ko urtarrilaren 24(a), asteartea




Troy Phelan commits suicide and leaves a testament. The assets were eleven billion dollars. He has many children and ex wives, buy he leaves almost all his assets to his illegitimate daughter, Rachel. That's why the children get angry and try to contest it. When her father died, Rachel was a missionary living with the Ipica Indians in the Bazil region of South America. To notify her of her father's donation, a lawyer, Nate, was sent to find her. Nate goes through many changes as he searches for Rachel. When he returns to the United States, he has just arrived in Washington DC to attend the Phelancase proceedings. He is Rachel's lawyer. To complete the proceeding, he returns to Bazal region with papers for Rachel to sign. However, he discovers that she died of malaria while he was in America. In the end, the statement is divided among Rachel's siblings, but most of it goes to the charities she believed in.


I didn't like the book because I found it boring. It seemed to me that the story which is told is not very interesting. In addition, it is the typical statement story where the heirs get angry because they have not been left anything.


Irati Beriain

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