2023(e)ko urtarrilaren 24(a), asteartea




Dorothy lived in the State of Kansas with her uncle, her Aunt and her dog Toto. One day, a cyclone hit and Dorothy couldn't get into the cyclone cellar so her house started to fly with her and Toto in it. After several days the house landed in a beautiful country called The Land of the Munchkins. When the house fell to the ground it crushed a bad witch and killed her. Thanks to that the good wizard of the north congratulated her and gave her the silver shoes but Dorothy just wanted to go back to Kansas.The good witch told her that the only one who could help her was the wizard of Oz and marked her forehead with a kiss so that no one could harm her on the way to Emerald City, where he lived.To get to the city, she had to follow a yellow road. When she reached a cornfield Dorothy saw a scarecrow hooked on a stick. The scarecrow talked and asked for help to get unhooked from the pole. After that, he told them that he had no brains and that he wanted to go with them to see if the Wizard of Oz could give them to him.She said yes and they kept walking until they met a tin man and he joined them because he wanted a heart. Finally, they were joined by a cowardly lion who wanted courage. The road was long and they had to go through many difficult situations. When they reached Emerald city, the wizard of Oz told them that he would give them what they wanted if they killed the Wicked Witch of the West. The witch tried to kill them but in the end Dorothy killed her by throwing water on her. Then she took the witch's golden cape and she and her friends returned to the Wizard of Oz, who confessed that he was a fraud. He "gave" them the brains, heart and courage, but in reality they already had it.In the end, Dorothy went to see the good wizard of the north with her friends. She told them that she could go to Kansas thanks to her shoes, which were magic. Dorothy gave three taps and returned home.


I really liked this book because it tells a story that I remember reading when I was little and now I liked it much more. Dorothy seems to be a very brave girl with very good values as a person. It is an entertaining story and I recommend it to everyone.


Shara Montero

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