2023(e)ko martxoaren 23(a), osteguna

THE MOONSTONE-Wilkie Collins


The plot of the book is about a robbery in India to bring a yellow diamond to England. The diamond is brought to the family mansion by Rachel's cousin, Franklin. Franklin is worried that someone will try to steal the diamond, so he puts it away in a bank until he gives it to Rachel. That diamond will be given to Rachel on her eighteenth birthday.

One day when Franklin was in England, he noticed that three Indian men were following him through the city; he believes that they are following the diamond, since it was stolen from India. On the night of the birthday, the diamond disappears. Then, Rachel gets mad at Franklin, because she claims to have seen him leave her room with the diamond. They decide to call the police to find the diamond. Franklin asks Rachel why she's mad at him like that, and Rachel tells him that she saw him steal the diamond with her own eyes. Franklin does not remember going anywhere with the diamond. So, Franklin goes to the doctor and tells him that maybe he took some opium that night, and that might have caused him to forget about his acts. Therefore, Franklin decides to take opium again and lie down in the same room where he slept the night of Rachel's birthday. When the opium takes effect, he leaves his room and goes to Rachel's, just as he should have done the night of the party. But, what had happened to the diamond, after Franklin took it from Rachel's room? Later, they saw a man picking up the diamond from a bank. They followed him but it was too late as they found the man dead. Then, they found out that the man who stole the diamond was Godfrey, Rachel's other cousin. They also discovered that the ones who killed Godfrey were the three Indians, who after murdering him took the diamond to India.


I really liked this book. The theme is very interesting and leaves you with the intrigue of wanting to know who would have stolen the diamond until the end of the story. Also, from my point of view, the person who steals the diamond is very unexpected and that makes it even more intriguing and leaves you wanting to read more.

AUTHOR: Irene Gaztañaga

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