2023(e)ko martxoaren 21(a), asteartea



The story takes place in Siberia, northern Russia, where a boy named Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin was born. He had two siblings, a sister and a brother who were both dead by some unfortunate events. That is how he ended up becoming an only child of a relatively poor family. One night, as Rasputin was eavesdropping on the conversation between his father and friends about the theft of his adored horse, the boy pointed at one visitor as the culprit. He was right; the man was arrested, and that is how Rasputin became known as the kid with powers.

Few years passed, he got married had kids and became a cart driver. This led him to meet a man who changed his entire life by exposing him to a very unusual kind of Christianity. Rasputin was so engrossed that he started teaching others this unusual religion. He became very famous, but this fame also gave him new enemies, that considered his religion a kind of sin. One day, he was asked to help the ill son of the Tsar's family. He of course accepted, and that’s how he became more close to the royal family by giving prophecy's and so on. A lot of priests and royals hated him, but because he had the support of the royal family, there wasn’t much they could do. This hatred led to a noble named Felix Yusupov responsible of Rasputin's death. It was not easy to kill him, even if they shot him twice or thrice he just wouldn’t give up, only did he die after a few more hits. Tsarina Alexandra buried his body near one of her palaces as she was the closest to him. Unfortunately, some nobles took the body and tried burning it, but suddenly the body moved and tried to sit up. Scientists explained this as a normal phenomenon of the body as it still wasn’t prepared to be burnt, but at the time everyone was clueless and ran out of fear thinking he was coming to life again. 

After his death a letter was found by his secretary that Rasputin wrote before he passed away, where he explained his prophecy. A month later, the Russian Revolution started and the Romanov rule ended with this as well.


I find villain stories very intriguing and this one piqued my interest out the 3 stories. Although I do feel there were some plot holes, it still was a good read.

AUTHOR: Mausami Gurung

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