2023(e)ko maiatzaren 2(a), asteartea

A Convict’s Tale-Julie Hart


SYNOPSIS: In this story, Ann Terfold who is 14 years old and her brother William who is 11 years old, their mom was in jail. They have one aunt named Mary, but she couldn't feed them because she didn't have much money. One day they steal some food from a shop but they get caught and a court official takes the children to jail. They had a really bad time there and they wanted to see their mom. They received a letter from their aunt saying that their mom was taken to Australia. After a few days, a guard took Ann and said that she is going on a trip to work there, and it was in Australia but she didn’t want to leave her brother.

She worked there and after a few months she was taken to a hospital and she had an opportunity to become a nurse, and thanks to that she could find her mother, and she met Dr Harding there. One day she saw some prisoners escaping and unfortunately they got catched. They got sended to Norfolk island and they had to work there, sadly she only had a few months to finish her training to be a nurse and find her mother. Few months later in Norfolk island she survived to a jailer and thanks to that she was sent to a factory to work there. Fortunately, she saw his brother there, but she couldn’t talk much to him. Months passed and Ann became more worried, she was desperate to see William and her mother. One morning, Dr Harding came to see her and take her with him. He proposed to her and a month later, they were husband and wife, and Ann Telford was a free woman. One morning, a letter finally arrived for Ann. It was from her Aunt Mary. She wrote that her mom was alive and she also put her address. She told her husband and both of them decided to go. When they arrived Ann saw her mother. Their eyes were filled with tears.

PERSONAL OPINION: I liked the book because it was interesting. Also the story was sad for what the children's had to pass in this age, but it had a good ending so that is really good.

AUTHOR: Alisha Bano

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