2023(e)ko maiatzaren 2(a), asteartea

Motorcycle Mystery-Sandra Sherwood

SYNOPSIS: Because of her dad's job, Janet and her family had to move to Toronto. Until their house had been ready, they had to stay at her aunt Sue's house. While, Janet thought that it was a good idea to have a job as she had just acquired a lifeguard certificate. She went to a sport centre, but they told her that they couldn't pay her a salary so they gave her the chance to be a volunteer.
Meantime, her cousin Kevin, quite a difficult teenager, was supposed to stay at a Maths summer camp. One day, Janet found out that he was working at a motorcycle shop, so she decided to help him, instead of volunteering. It was a sunny day when Kevin told Janet to stay out of a shop while he bought a book, a few seconds later, someone stole a motorbike. The boy who stole the motorbike was Kevin's friend who had threatened to commit the theft. Finally, Kevin was punished by doing social work.

PERSONAL OPINION: It is a good book because it is a mystery book and to know what happens you have to keep reading it. It is short and that makes it easy and fast to read.
I would recommend this book to mystery buffs.

AUTHOR: Nora Odriozola 

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