2023(e)ko ekainaren 6(a), asteartea

Tess of the D´umbervilles-Thomas Hondy

 SYNOPSIS: The story is about a country girl, Tess Durbey Field, the daughter of a poor peasant who is forced to send her daughter to work for a very rich family. There, Tess grabs the attention of the family's son, Alec D´Urberville.

It took a few days to start her work, until Tess was raped and get pregnant by Alec. She returned home, but the child she was carrying died son, she therefore received great sadness again in search of another job. In the end, she gets a job at to take the job.

There she meets the honest son of a minister, Angel Clare, with whom she falls in love. Eventually, Tess agrees to marry after Angel asks her severely times. On the night after the wedding, Tess confesses what happened with Alec D`Urberville, wich Angel does hot take well and decides not talk to Tess. Tess prepares to leave Angel and returns to her family in some until. One day Angel come to visits Toss where he was rejected by her. Eventually, Tess's father dies, leaves a black have at home. For this reason, the family Durbey Field loves the lease on her belongings, looking for accommodation and employment.
Whereupon Alec. D`Urberville reappears and proposes to Tess to became his mistress so that she can support her family. Desperate, she finally accepts.

At the end of the story. Tess goes to average Alec D`Uberville, she killers him and is arrested for her crime.

PERSONAL OPINION: I really enjoyed reading this book as it was very interesting. This story is very painful and makes you empathize with Tess and her suffering. Personally, I think, it is not a romantic novel because despite having its beautiful things, Angel and Tess's relationship is not healthy at all, and let's not even talk about Alec, I ended up hating him! His final reaction left me very surprised.

AUTHOR: Asmae Hafaifa Kouadri

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