2023(e)ko ekainaren 6(a), asteartea

The Secret Garden-Frances Hodgson Burnett

 SYNOPSIS: Ten years old Mary Lennox lived an easy life in India with her parents. Her parents were always busy, so Mary was with the servents a lot. She didn't go to school. She had lessons at home. One day one the servants were ill with Cholera. Soon everybody in the house was ill. Nobody remembered Mary. She found some food in the dining room and she went to her room and closed the door. The next day Mary woke up early. The house was dark and quiet. Then she heard voices and she saw British officers near the door. The british Officer explained that everybody died from Cholera and Mary wanted to cry. The officer explained that Cholera is a horrible illness. her parents were dead and she was alone in India.

Mary had an uncle in England. Mary at first didn't want to go to England, but in the end she decided to go but she was not very convinced. They went on a boat to the train station with her cousin's servant. When they go to the station, they went to her counsin's house, which was 600 years old and had 100 rooms and one big garden to play, but many of the rooms were locked. After a long time they arrived. The next day Mary ate a breakfast and then dressed and she went into the garden and on old man smiled at her. He was Ben, the gardener. Mary when she crossed the garden found a door in the wall. It was locked.

The next day Mary went to the garden to try to open the door. A bird was flying and got under a bush. Mary followed it and under the bush there was a key. Mary thought that maybe was the key to locked the door. She ran to the door and opened the door. Inside there were a lot of roses, but the garden was in a very bad state. Mary decided to call Dickon, Martha's brother, and they began to renovate the garden.

Mary woke up early the next day. She ran to the scret garden. Dickon was there. He loved animals, and he loved his animals. Dickon and Mary worked in the garden all the morning. That night Mary went to bed early.

A terrible noise woke up Mary in the night. It was Colin shouting. Colin is Mary's cousin. Colin was shouting that he had a lump on his back and that he was died. But Mary said that he haven't got anything on his back. She was very thin because he didn't get out of his bed.

Mary woke up early the next day. She ran to the secret garden to meet Dickon. She told him everything that had happened the night before with Colin. She told him that Colin wanted yo meet him.

The next morning, Mary had breakfast with Colin. Mary said to Colin that Dickon was to come to see him. A few minutes later Dockon opened the door. He brought his animals and the three oh them were talking to Colin to cheer him up a bit. In the end they convinced him to go out into the garden and he come out with his wheelchair because he couldn't walk. Dickon and Mary thought that was a very good idea to go to the secret garden with Colin. Colin was very excited when he saw the locked door. When they opened the door Colin said that his mother died inside the garden and that now understand why she loved it. Mary and Dickon helped Colin up from his chair, and finally Colin stand up.

When they were in the garden the garderer saw them and he puted soo angry. But finally he recognise Colin and he put happy to saw Colin out side the house. The children worked in the garden every day and sometime Ben the garderer help them. Colin became stronger and it was lasier for him to stand. After two weekd started to walk.

Colin's father went to Europe but since he missed his son so much, knowing that he was ill and he wanted to help him, he decided to turn around and take a ship to home. When his father came home, he didn't belived that her son was strong and healthy. Colin showed him the garden and he said to her father that he must never lock it again.

PERSONAL OPINION: The book is soo excited but I liked it soo much. The book has also had a lot of mystery.

AUTHOR: Nahia Martin Moreda

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