2023(e)ko ekainaren 12(a), astelehena

The murders in the Rue Morgue-Edgar Allan Poe

SYNOPSIS: The puzzling double murder of Madame L'Espanaye and her daughter on the ficticious Parisian street of Rue Morgue is the subject of this tale. The murder is covered by a newspaper. On the fourth story confined inside, was a challenging room where the murder took place. Those who witness the murder disagree with one another and claim to hear the perpretator speaking in another language.

PERSONAL OPINION: Althoug it's an old book I have liked it because is quite interesting due to its mistery. I'm not keen on in this type of books but I recommend this book if you like crime books and if you want to read something short in english.

AUTHOR: Mahe Lasterra Rezola.


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