2023(e)ko ekainaren 6(a), asteartea


SYNOPSIS: Antonio is a Spanish journalist and he is visiting New York because he is going to celebrate New Year’s Eve with his friend Jason. On the trip he meets a lot of people, mostly friends of Jason. He meets a girl called Elaine and they get along very well. They go to visit places like the Statue of Liberty. He also watches basketball games with other friends. Antonio has to come back to Spain so Elaine gives him a gift, it is a photo of them together. Few months later, Antonio returns to New York to write another article. Although he spends a lot of time with friends, he likes to spend time with Elaine. At the end of the story, they both tell each other that they will miss them and Elaine tells Antonio that she’ll go to Spain one day.

PERSONAL OPINION: Personally, I didn't like the story very much, I thought it was a bit boring. It's true, it's cool to know more about New York, nut otherwise the story didn't have much of a plot.

AUTHOR: Aihen Oiarbide Amundarain 

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