2023(e)ko urriaren 29(a), igandea

The Wind Knows My Name by Isabel Allende


A few years ago, Anita escaped from El Salvador in order to go to the United States; however, her mother would end up being separated from her and leaving her alone in that new country, accompanied by her blindness. That is why Selena Durán and Frank Angileri, both lawyers, will try to help her and reunite her with her mother; to do so, they will have to do a long investigation about the deportations happening in that area and the family members of both victims. In the meantime, Anita counts on her doll and her dead sister, Claudia, to face the challenges which occur in her path. Everything will change when Samuel Adler and Leticia appear in their lives.

Personal Opinion
From my view I would conclude that this book is a 10 out of 10 not only because it narrates the story in a way that the lecturer can relate with the victims, in this case, Anita and her mother, but also because I really appreciated how the author managed to link all the stories together. In addition, I would say that this narrative has changed my view towards the situation in the borders between Mexico and the US, as I didn't know much about those issues occurring there. Therefore, I would recommend this book to those who enjoy stories about global issues and want to know more about different cultures.

Review by Zuriñe Baile

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