2024(e)ko irailaren 23(a), astelehena




In the story "The judge's house" the author is a person who focuses a lot on his studies and doesn't care about anything else. He went to a place to be able to study better and he rented the old house of a judge. Many people told him mysterious things about that house and he didn't care, something that I expected since he was a person who doesn't care much. But then he started to pay a lot of attention to a simple rat just because he looked at it a lot. It started to scare him, something that I didn't expect from him since he wasn't a person like that. But it's true, there was a reason why that rat looked him and it is that the spirit of the judge was in the rat. Also in the story "The stranger in the mist" a man named Charles Linkhworth killed his mother just because he wanted to steal her money. The police noticed and put him in jail. He never admitted that he killed her. The judge sentenced him to death. He died, but then he started to communicate with them by calling them using the prison phone. It was something strange and mysterious. Finally he told them why he called them every day and it was because he wanted to apologize and accept that he was the one who killed his mother. I didn't expect that from him since he had never accepted it in his life and now after dying, he accepeds it and also in this strange way. There isn't anything very important for the future since these stories are all about horror. But there is something in one of the stories that could be fun to play in the future. In the story "Smee" Jackson was on vacation on Christmas Eve with his friends. They wanted to play hide and seek but Jackson didn't want to because years ago a girl died when he was playing in the dark. He preferred to play the game "Smee" which was much more fun. He explained the rules which were that every player is given a sheet of paper. All the sheets except one are blank. On the last sheet of paper is written "Smee". Nobody knows who "Smee" is except "Smee" himself or herself. Turn out the lights, and "Smee" goes quietly out of the room and hides. After some time, the others go off to search for "Smee" but of course they don't know who they are looking for. When one player meets another he challenges him by saying, "Smee". The other player answers "Smee", and they continue searching. But the real "Smee" doesn't answer when someone challenges. The second player stays quietly beside him. This goes on until all the players are in the same place and the last one to find them has to pay a forfeit. It's a bit of a mystery game but it's fun to play with your friends or family in the future. In the story "Fullcircle" the author describes “a house that was into a little valley like a green cup in the hills. It was a beautiful place. There was an old stone wall, and a little wood. Then there was smooth green grass, and a tiny lake. And at the heart of it all, like a jewel in a ring, stood the house. It was very small, but everything about it was quite perfect. It was old, perhaps seventeenth century, with large windows and pale stone walls. It was built about 1660 by Lord Carteron.” I choose this passage because the way he describes the house makes me want to see it in person. In the story "Fullcircle", I would ask the author why he moved to a place that is apart from the town and lonely. He also left his house in London to be able to live in this house that his cousin built. I think his answer would be that one of the reasons he moved is because it belonged to his cousin, also because it was very well done and it was beautiful. Plus, he didn't have to pay anything just to move.

I liked the game they played in the story "Smee" the best because it was very scary. When they played, the girl who died appeared. That was the same house where she died and since everything was dark they couldn't see her and they thought she was one of their friends. I didn't like the story "Fullcircle" very much because I didn't find it scary. It's just that the man who lived in that house, who was the cousin of the owner, used to be evil and rude, but 2 years later he became the opposite, polite and educated. The owner of that house was also an educated man and that means that the spirit of him was still there. The story was boring.

REVIEW by Alisha Bano

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