2021(e)ko irailaren 29(a), asteazkena

Ghost Stories-Rosemary Border


This book has six different stories about ghosts "Smee" The story starts in a house where fourteen friends had dinner at Christmas Eve. After having dinner all agreed to play a game called “hide and seek”, except one, Jackson. Jackson told them that he knew a girl that had died playing that game and that he knew another game called “smee”. Jackson explained the game’s rules: “There are 14 of us, so each one takes a sheet, 13 are blank and there is one that says “smee”. When all lights are off this person has to hide and the others have to find him or her. When two people cross each other one of them will say “Smee” and if the other person answers “smee” they will have to continue looking for the hidden person until you cross with a person who doesn’t answer. This person will be “smee” so the person who finds it has to hide with him or her and the last who managed it will lose” Jackson continued speaking and told everyone a frightening experience that he had lived: “One Christmas Eve I went to my cousin's house . When I arrived I realized that I knew everyone except one person, a beautiful young girl. There were 12 of us and we decided to play the game I have just told you about. It was just before playing the game that they had told me about the girl who had died playing in that house. After the first time playing one of my cousins started counting to make sure we were all there, but instead of 12 there were 13 of us. Suddenly there were 12 again. Everyone thought that it was just an error. Then we played the second round and when it was over, one of my cousins told me that he had touched an arm in a cupboard and had thought that it was “smee” as she or he didn't answer. Both of us thought that it was his imagination until we played the third round. I touched a girl and I said “smee” and as there was no answer I hid with her. I asked her who she was and she told me “Brenda Ford”. As I didn’t know her I thought that she was the beautiful girl. But after a long time waiting everyone came to find me and told me that I had lost. I told them that I was with “Smee” and they didn’t believe me.” “My cousin took me apart and asked me who I was with and I answered “Brenda Ford”. He was amazed and he explained me that that was the name of the girl who died playing this game”.

Personal Opinion

I liked this book very much. Some stories were more entertaining than others but every one of them had something that made you curious. I personally think that the best story is the first one, which is titled "Smee".

Student's name
Elene Sarasola

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