2022(e)ko urtarrilaren 30(a), igandea

Frankenstein-Mary Shelley



At the beginning of the novel Robert Walton is looking for a new way to go from Russia to the Pacific Ocean across the Arctic Ocean. After weeks at sea, the crew of Walton’s ship found a man, Victor Frankenstein, floating in a stream of ice near death. In Walton’s series of letters to his sister in England, he tells the tragic story of Victor. Victor loved science and his dream was to study science one day and that’s what he did in Ingolstadt University .At university,while he was studying, he created a plan to recreate and revive corpses, using a combination of chemistry, alchemy, and electricity. After bringing the creature to life, Victor felt guilty about having brought a monster into the world without precautions to care for it, and fled with fear and disgust from his creation and his consciousness. He traveled out of Geneva to refresh his tortured soul and visited Mount Montanvert when he saw the monster coming to confront his creator with the proposal to make him a companion, but Victor refused. He changed his mind when the monster assured him that he would leave Europe and move to South America. Victor then agreed to start working on a second creation and made plans to go to England and Scotland, with Henry Clerval, to begin his secret work. When he settled in the Orkney Islands off the coast of Scotland he decided to destroy his project and went out to sea to dispose of the remains. The monster promised revenge on Victor for not keeping his word of creating a female monster. While at sea, Victor’s ship went off course in a sudden storm, and ended up in Ireland.There was a body found that was Henry Clerval’s, and Victor was accused of murder. Luckily, the Lord. Kirwin, a local magistrate, interceded on behalf of Victor and defended his case in a court, thanks to which Victor was found innocent of the crime.

Personal Opinion

I loved this book, because it’s about mystery, and I love mystery books and it’s a book that hooks you from the first page and you can’t stop reading it. I would definitely recommend it to those people who do not like reading, because they will start reading it and by the time they realize, they will have finished it.

Student's name
Yara Rostro

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