2022(e)ko martxoaren 3(a), osteguna

The Testament-John Grisham


This is the story of Troy Phelan, his will and the struggle over the distribution of his state. Troy commits suicide and leaves a controvrsañ will behind. The estimated value of his assets at the time of his death was approximately 11 billion dollars. He has many children and ex wives but the will leaves nearly all of his assets to his ellegitimate daughter, Rachel. Because of this, the will is percived a offensive by his other children who quickly contest it. They are encouraged to do it by their selfish lawyer Hark Gettys, who earns generous hourly fees for each hour they spend in court haggling over the will. At the time of her father's death, Rachel was a missionary living in the Ipica Indians deep inside the pantanal region of Bazil in southamerica. To notify her of her father's gift, a recently retired lawyer,Nate O'rily, was sent to find her. Nate's journey was both "factual" and "metaphorical". A recovering alcoholic and substance abuser, Nate undergoes many changes while searching for Rachel. Her exact location is a mystery and getting there is vere difficult. he recives help from a guide named Jevy, and lucky him, because even the guide gets lost multiple tiems. Once they find Rachel, she sahres her faith with Nate and he grows spiritually. This is very hard for him so he also has setbacks and he contacts dengue fever and becomes very ill. When he returns to America, dissatisfaied with the life he used to have, he starts a new one. He just returns to Washingtong D.C to attend the phelancase proceedings. He acts as Racherl's lawyer. To complete the proces, he reurns to the Pantanal with paper work for Rachel to sign. But he is saddened to discover that she died from Malaria while he was in America. The will is finally devided between Rachel's siblings, but the biggest part is sent to the charities she believed in.

Personal Opinion

I have enjoyed reading this book. At the beginning it seemed to be a little bit boring because it is a story about economycal issues but when I started reading it, I get into the story and I wanted to know all the time what was going to happen next. I also have to say that to see the evolution of Nate during the book was one of the things that I liked the most.

Student's name
Aitana Cabido

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