2022(e)ko apirilaren 27(a), asteazkena

Vanity Fair-William Makepeace



The story is about two women named Rebecca and Amelia. Rebecca only wants to marry a man so she marries Crawley. Amelia marries another man named George and dies in the war in Napoles. Later she finds out that she is pregnant and is glad to have a child. Rebecca is also pregnant but she is not so happy. At the end of the story, Amelia lives happily with people she loves, but Rebecca ends up alone.

Personal Opinion

It is an interesting book as the reader tries to convey that everyone has flaws. One of the fragments that has made me sad is when Rebecca loses her son since she had been with him for 11 years. “I mean that he was eleven when they took him away from me”.

Student's name
Inge Txurruka

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