2022(e)ko maiatzaren 3(a), asteartea

Persuasion-Jane Austen



Anne Elliot is the middle daughter of Sir Walter Elliot, a run-down aristocrat who thinks only of reading the baronetcy about himself and maintaining his social position even if it means keeping his debts. After her mother's death, Lady Russell, a family friend, raised Anne and she is the only one who listens to her and keeps his sense around her. Besides that, Anne has to live with her eldest sister, a bachelor, but full of bad intentions, and a younger sister who is married. Years ago, Anne fell in love with Frederick Wenworth, a naval officer whom she rejected on the advice of Lady Russell who felt that he did not have enough social status for her. Years have passed and she hasn’t found anyone to share his life with, and she feels that his family doesn't understand her. Although she is no longer a young woman, she has a strong personality and an extraordinary intelligence to resist any situation. However, when Captain Wenworth appears again in his life and he has to look at him with indifference, he will begin to wonder if fate is giving him a second chance. At first they ignore each other but the attraction they feel for each other makes them end up getting married.

Personal Opinion

Personally speaking, I think it is a very interesting novel which reflects the British society of the time. Besides that, I didn't really like the beginning of the play, as it spends too much time describing the characters. Apart from that, the book is very entertaining and I would recommend it to anyone.

Student's name

Xuban De Prado

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