2022(e)ko maiatzaren 3(a), asteartea

Tsunami!-Samuel Sheehy


On 11th March 2011, an earthquake in the Pacific Ocean caused a huge tsunami on the east of Japan. The waves were over 40 metres high in some places and moved at hundreds of kilometres per hour; they washed away whole towns! When the tsunami hit the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, the situation became even worse. The power plant exploded, releasing dangerous radiation into the air. Six people of different ages and backgrounds were living in the area when the tsunami hit; a child was at school, a woman was at a job interview, an old man was totally unaware of the situation.

Personal Opinion

I really liked this book. It’s a sad story caused by a natural disaster, which was a huge tsunami. Even though the six stories are sad and tragic, I liked how everything was explained. It was easy to understand and I would definitely recommend it.

Student's name
Giovanna Verzellino

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