2022(e)ko azaroaren 22(a), asteartea

WHITE FANG- Jack London


There were two men in the northern wildness. They only had three bullets left, which one of the men, Bill, used to try to safe one of their dogs. He missed and was eaten by the dog. They got closer and he wass nearly eaten, saved only by a group of people walking nearby. The wolves are in a famine. When they found food, the pack began to split. After several famines, only one men survived.
They came to the Indian village where the she-wolf owner was. She is sold to another Indian, while White Fang stays with Gray Beaver, her master.
White Fang became became more and more vicious. he killed other dogs. Gray Beaver travel to Fort Yukon to trade and discover whisky. White Fang was passed into the hands of Beauty Smith, a monster of a man. He fought with other dogs until he met his pit bull rival, only one named Scott saved him.
Scott tamed White Fang and brought him to California. There, White Fang learned to love his master and his family. Also, they raised a puppy and lived a happy life.

Personal opinion

I love this book because the story is adventurous and leaves you with the intrigue to continue reading to see what happens at the end. Taht is why I would specially recommend it to adventure and nature lovers.

Author of the review

Nagore Irazustabarrena

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