2023(e)ko urtarrilaren 20(a), ostirala


Bud Corliss, who is the main protagonist of the story, is a generous and smart man whse ambitions are mainly to get rich. So he would give anything to achive his goals.

Bud Corliss started college. There he met Dorothy and he flattered her because her father was a bussinessman, and he wanted to become rich. However, they kept their relationship secret while he planned his strategy. Then Dorothy bacame pregnant, and Corliss panicked. He didn't want to take on his father's responsabilities, fearing that Dorothy's conservative father could broke ties with her and ruin his opportunity to become rich. He prepared a plan to convice Dorothy to write a note that might be a suicide note. After that, he pretended she had committed suicide by throwing her from the highest point of the building. As Dorothy had followed his instructions of not telling anyone about their relationship, Corliss got away with no ties to the suicide.

Corliss didn't date in months. Suddenly, he took an interest in Dorothy's sister Ellen. She suspected thet Dorothy's death wasn't a suicide. Also, at first this was a suspicion, then she connected it to Corliss and his reason for trying to date her. Ellen revealed to him that she know he murdered Dorothy, which he admited to. But, Ellen was krilled by Corliss.

Then, Corliss went to pursue the third sister, Marion. In the meantime, Elle's friend Gordon Gant was conviced they were murdered after discovering the true cause of Dorothy's death. One evening, he went to Corliiss's mother house, where Corliss lived. He found a document in which Corliss designed his plan to seduce Marion to become rich. Gordon showed the documents to Marion and her father. Both wanted justice.

Finally, Marion, Gant and Corliss went to coper factory. As Corliss stood on a piece of molten coper clay, they told him they knew of his crime. Corliss was shocked and nervous. Because of this, he fell into the pool of molten coper.

In my opinion, it's entertaining and easy book. Also I liked it because it is misterious. I was surprised because I never thought that a person could kill three girls just to be rich. On the whole, I would recommend this book to anyone.

Nagore Irazustabarrena


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