2023(e)ko urtarrilaren 23(a), astelehena

GOLDFINGER- Ian Flemming



James Bond was a British Secret Intelligence agent. At first, they sent him to Miami to investigate Goldfinger, suspected of smuggling gold. Goldfinger's goal was to wipe out the world's economy and Bond's job was to prevent this. James Bond discovered that Goldfinger cheated in a game to get money. After Bond threatened to say it to the police, Goldfinger order Oddjob (his servant) to kiill Jill to get revange on James. Jim was a girl that had relations with Bond.
Later, Golfinger went to Ginebra (Switzerland), and Bond followed him. Here, Bond discovered the factory where Goldfinger melted the gold. Goldfinger tried to kill Bond, but finally he didn't kill Bond. James helped Goldfinger in a plan he had to steal the gold from Fort Knox, but Bond ruined the plan by defusing a bomb. Pussy (Golfinger's pilot) helped Bond, and finally, they run away from Goldfinger.


In my opinion, it's an entretaing book, because thing are happening all the time. Because of that, you don't get bored reading it. However, the vocabulary is complex, and sometimes I found it difficult to understand the story.


Leire Jimenez

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