2023(e)ko urtarrilaren 23(a), astelehena

WHITE FANG- Jack London


This books tells us the story of two men who went to the wild in the north with their dogs. There was a female wolf which attracted the dogs and ate them and when one of the men, Bill, tried to kill the wolf to save the rest, they also killed him. They only remained the other guy, Henry and the two dogs and they were saved when another group showed up. The female wolf continued looking for food, she mated another wolf and had some puppies. But only one survived, White Fang. This wolf was actually half dog half wolf and it was owned by Gray Beaver, an Indian boy. He sold it to another Indian family but it was bullied by the other dogs from the village, especialy by one which was called Lip-Lip. White Fang, seeing this, was forced to become more fierce and was encouraged by Gray Beaver. Then, it was sold to a terrible man, who's called Beauty Smith. This man used him in ring competitions and also abused it, until one day when White Fang was injured by another dog. A man called Weedon Scott saved him, took him to California with him, and White Fnag came to love Scott and his family. The family also did anything to protect it. One day, a criminal, Jim Hall, escaped from prision and tried to attack Scott's father but White Fnag saved him and that made the family love the wolf even more. White Fang continued with its life really happy and even had some pups with Scott's dog, Collie.


I really liked this book because I've liked to read how White Fang had fought against all the problems it had and how he dealed with the obstacles life had put him. Also, his story teaches us that as White Fang, if you keep searching and fighting you'll find your place in the world.


Olaia Arin

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