2023(e)ko martxoaren 6(a), astelehena



This book tell the story of Antonio, a spanish guy who loves traveling around the world. One of his dreams was to visit New York and he decided to go there with Jaison, a friend he met at university. In the flight, while going to New York, they met a guy who was called George and they went to Jaisons house. Thanksgiving day arrived the following day and they met a girl who was called Elaine and they all went to the Thanksgiving dinner. There, Elaine promised Antonio that she would show him the Statue of Liberty and so they did some days later. They also went by ferry to Ellis Island and when they came back they went to see the Empire State Building. Antonio continued exploring the city until suddenly, one night, Peter, the guy who organized the Thanksgiving dinner, called him. He invited Antonio to visit Chinatown and Little Italy. Some days later, Antonio received a call from Elaine telling him some bad news, she had to leave the following day, going back to Chicago. Before she had left, they made a party in a hotel with some people who went to the Thanksgiving dinner. After that day, Antonio started to prepare the backpack to return to Spain. When he did that, he wanted to write an article in New York.

On the second trip to New York, Elaine waited for him in the airport. On that trip, they saw different places in New York, for example, a softball match or a basketball match. Some days later, Antonio came back to Spain and finished his article about New York.


I really liked this book because it has been a perfect way to learn more about New York. I've always wanted to visit the city and if I ever go, I will take this book's places into account.


Olaia Arin


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