2023(e)ko maiatzaren 2(a), asteartea

Oscar Wilde short stories-Oscar Wilde

SYNOPSIS:Lady Windermere had prepared her last reception, which was attended by many people, before Easter. Besides, here was Mr. Podgers, her palm reader. He read Lord Arthur's palm and saw something horrible. Lord Arthur would kill a distant relative. He decided to kill Madame Clementina before marrying Sybil. He visited her and he tricked her into saying that he had a solution to his stomach problems. But what he really gave her was poison. After returning from a trip with his brother he discovered that Clementine had died by natural causes and not from poison. Consequently he had to postpone the wedding again. His next victim was his uncle. He tried to kill him with an explosive watch but it didn't work. Desperate, he drowned Mr Podgers in the river. They all thought he killed himself. Lord Arthur eventually married Aybil and they had two children. Lady Windermere visited them and told them that her palm reader was an impostor.

PERSONAL OPINION: I found this book very interesting. I really like this kind of topic because you are always entertained. Moreover, this is a great writer and one of my favorites.

AUTHOR: Geovana Sousa


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