2023(e)ko ekainaren 6(a), asteartea

Tsunami!-Samuel Sheehy

SYNOPSIS: "Tsunami" by Samuel Sheehy is a novel that tells the story of a teenage boy called Kai, who lives is a small village in Indonesia. When a massive earthquake strikes the region, Kai and his family must protect themselves from a tsunami. While Kai and his family try to survive the disaster, they find some challenges and obstacles, including the loss of familiars, injuries and a lack of food and water. They also find a group of foreigners who have come to help but whose presence causes tension in Kai's village. The book speaks about themes of family as Kai must face his own fears and tries to help his family and neighbors after the tsunami. The book also includes the challenges of working together in times of crisis.

PERSONAL OPINION: This book seemed to me a moving novel that shows the difficult choices people have to take to survive. I think that it's a good book because it's entertaining and emotive. It makes you think there is light on every catastrophic disaster that can happen during your life.

AUTHOR: Sara Zabaleta


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